Ana Cecilia is the Technical-Administrative Coordinator for Air Quality. Her duties include monitoring the financial budget of projects, collaborating in activities associated with the funding of the area and designing policies to tackle air pollution.

She is an environmental engineer with six years of experience in sustainable development and environmental management, she has worked as a socio-environmental consultant and in the public sector in the promotion of governance mechanisms, mainstreaming climate policies and territorial risk management at regional and state levels.

As part of the Climate Change Department of the State of Jalisco, she coordinated and collaborated with multilevel and multisectoral organizations to trigger climate policies at the state and regional level through governance mechanisms.

As prevention and mitigation coordinator at the Metropolitan Planning Institute, she promoted metropolitan climate policies aimed at reducing disaster risk aligned with environmental and land use planning programs.

She studied Environmental Engineering at the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (ITESO) in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Due to the Professional Application Project: “regulating construction and demolition waste”, in 2015 she was awarded the Pedro Arrupe distinction. In 2019, she completed the Co creation Program on “Adaptation to climate change” at the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).