STATEMENT: Green Climate Fund Reaches $10 Billion Goal: “A Major Milestone”
Today, at the international climate conference in Lima, Peru (COP20), the government of Belgium pledged to contribute more than 50 million Euros (around $62 million US) to the Green Climate Fund, edging the fund past its $10 billion goal for 2014. This is an important marker in making the Green Climate Fund operational.
Following is a statement by Athena Ballesteros, Finance Director, World Resources Institute:
“Crossing the $10 billion threshold is a major milestone that demonstrates commitment to help vulnerable countries confront climate impacts. A number of countries—including the U.S., Germany, France, and even Mexico and South Korea—have stepped up in recent weeks to push the fund over this important marker.
“These contributions should build trust in the negotiations and propel action to a global agreement.”