MEDIA ADVISORY: New Report and Panel Discussion on Saving Lives and Improving Traffic Safety with Sustainable Transport
EMBARQ to release new issue brief “Saving Lives with Sustainable Transport”
Traffic safety improvements are an often-overlooked benefit of sustainable transport projects and policies. New research from EMBARQ finds that investments in biking and pedestrian infrastructure, improved mass transit systems, and measures to limit motor vehicle usage can all significantly improve traffic safety, reducing traffic crashes and saving lives. The issue brief also contains recommendations for integrating safety into transport planning and policy, with a focus on the context of cities in the developing world.
On December 5. EMBARQ will host a “Dialogue on Sustainable Transport and Traffic Safety” at the DC office of the World Resources Institute. The event will feature opening remarks from EMBARQ Director Holger Dalkmann, a presentation from lead author Nicolae Duduta, and a panel discussion on sustainable transport and traffic safety with top experts from Bloomberg Philanthropies, World Bank, National Complete Streets Coalition, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The event is hosted by EMBARQ, the World Resources Institute’s program on sustainable urban transport and urban development.
Report launch and panel discussion on sustainable transport and traffic safety
Holger Dalkmann, Director, EMBARQ
Nicolae Duduta, Associate Transport Planner, EMBARQ
Tawia Addo-Ashong, Program Coordinator, Global Road Safety Facility, World Bank
Claudia Adriazola, Director, Health and Road Safety Program; EMBARQ
Ralph Buehler, Associate Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Kelly Larson, Global Road Safety Program, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Barbara McCann, Founder, National Complete Streets Coalition
Clayton Lane, Chief Operating Officer, EMBARQ; moderator
December 5, 2013; 12:30 – 3:15pm EST
Lunch will be served
World Resources Institute 10 G Street NE, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20002