Catalyzing Adaptation: Key Outcomes from the Global Commission on Adaptation 

Catalyzing Adaptation Report Cover

This report, Catalyzing Adaptation, summarizes the World Resources Institute’s contributions to the Global Commission on Adaptation from October 2018 to January 2021. It documents the progress achieved over the course of the Commission, starting with the development of its flagship report, Adapt Now: A Global Call for Leadership on Climate Resilience, which lays out a bold agenda to build a more climate-resilient world. 

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Background on the Global Commission on Adaptation

In 2018, the Global Commission on Adaptation was launched to catalyze a new mindset and bold action on climate adaptation. WRI had the honor to serve as the managing partner of the Global Commission on Adaptation, along with the Global Center on Adaptation. Fundamental to the Commission’s success was engagement by 35 Commissioners, who represented nearly every sector, guiding the Commission and offering invaluable leadership.

Though the Global Commission on Adaptation raised the political profile of adaptation and helped catalyze adaptation action around the world, greater action is still needed. Governments and institutions must do more on adaptation by shifting their policies and investments to help vulnerable communities thrive in a changing climate. Accelerating climate adaptation efforts around the globe will create a safer, fairer, more equitable and climate-resilient future.