Africa Urban Forum 2024: African Cities in the Age of Digital Transformation - Towards Evidence-Based and Inclusive Urban Futures
By 2050 Africa’s urban population is set to double, adding half a billion more people to its cities. Roughly two-thirds of the investments needed for urban infrastructure have yet to be made. Decisions and long-term investments made now could lock in urban form and consumption patterns for decades, if not centuries. The prospects of over one billion urban dwellers will depend on urban development choices made in the coming years. But the outlook is poor: Africa is ill-prepared to manage its rapid urban growth, which has come at a high social and economic cost.
The session will explore the critical role of data-driven policies in fostering sustainable and inclusive urban development in Africa. Through a dialogue between decision-makers, experts, and local leaders, the event will highlight the importance of leveraging digital tools and data platforms to guide urban planning, mitigate climate challenges, and promote equitable growth. The event will also feature a soft launch of the Africa Cities Watch, a comprehensive data platform designed to support African cities in tracking urbanization trends alongside climate and socioeconomic indicators. The initiative aims to empower city leaders with the tools and resources needed to implement evidence-based policies, in line with the African Union’s goals for sustainable urbanization.
- H.E. Minister Fitsum Assefa, PhD, Ministry of Planning & Development, Ethiopia
- Dr Manuel de Araújo, Mayor of Quelimane, Mozambique
- Dr. Edlam Abera Yemeru, Chief, Knowledge & Innovation Branch, UN-Habitat
- Issaka Garba Abdou, Head, Governance & Human Rights Division (AUC) and Coordinator of the Secretariat of the AU Specialized Technical Committee on Public Service, Local Governance, Urban Development & Decentralization
- Dorah Modise, C40’s Regional Director for Africa
- Iman Abdulwassi, Lead Mobility, WRI Africa, Cities Head in Ethiopia
- Caroline Kabaria, Associate Research Scientist, Urbanization & Well-being Unit, APHRC
- Louis-Antoine Souchet, Country Director for Ethiopia, AFD
- Stefan Atchia, Manager, Urban Development Division, African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Wanjira Mathai, Managing Director, Africa & Global Partnerships, World Resources Institute
- Aklilu Fikreselassie, PhD, Director for Thriving Resilient Cities, WRI Africa
- Hellen Wanjohi-Opil, Climate and Engagement Lead, WRI Africa
- Dorah Modise, C40’s Regional Director for Africa - Keynote Listener
Cover image by Blue Ox Studio/Pexels