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A livestream for this event will be available here, broadcasted from the Nature Positive Youtube Channel.

Join World Resources Institute, International Land Coalition, and the LandMark Steering Group to learn more about the new data and features of LandMark. After nearly 10 years online as a pioneering map-based resource, LandMark was recently redesigned and enhanced with expanded coverage of Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ land maps, including a stronger focus on biodiversity and related data to support monitoring of the Global Biodiversity Framework.

The program will include presentations from members of LandMark's Steering Group on its new features and how the platform can be used toward achieving the goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework, founded on recognition of rights and the agency of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.


  • Wanjira Maathai, Managing Director for Africa and Global Partnerships, World Resources Institute
  • David Garcia, LandMark Coordinator, International Land Coalition
  • Katie Reytar, Senior Research Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Dave de Vera, Executive Director, Philippine Association for Intercultural Development (PAFID)
  • Closing: Joji Carino, Forest Peoples Program