There is no pathway to safeguarding and restoring ecosystems, staying within 1.5°C, and safeguarding biodiversity, as well as feeding 10 billion people by 2050, without transforming the ways we produce, distribute, and consume food and use our land and in-land waters. This event seeks to highlight the interlinkages between agriculture and nature, showcase examples of action to reduce the impact of agriculture on nature and highlight both the pathway and challenges ahead. It will feature two key ecosystems “ forests and peatlands “ and leading ways to protect, restore and manage the impacts of agriculture and nature sustainably.

Announcements featured:

  • Call to action for a multi-stakeholder taskforce on peatlands conservation and restoration to establish a breakthrough target as a bridge between land and water from the High Level Climate Champions and the Global Peatlands Initiative
  • Delivering a cross-government green and just economic transition in Brazil
  • Plano Safra da Agricultura Familiar (Family Farming Crop Plan) - Ministry of Agarian Development
  • Plano de Transformação Ecológica (Ecological Transformation Plan I ETP) - Ministry of Finance

Event Programme

Event Host and compere:

  • Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO, World Resources Institute (WRI)

Opening Remarks:

  • Gonzalo Muñoz, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion. “To deliver nature and climate we must include food systems.”

 Fireside chat - What are the critical questions facing food systems transformation?

  • Morgan Gillespy, Executive Director, Food and Land Use Coalition 

  • Sophie Boehm, Land & Food Lead, Systems Change Lab

Panel 1- A multi-stakeholder taskforce on peatlands conservation and restoration


  • Han de Groot, CEO, Wetlands International


  • Alue Dohong, Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

  • Franziska Tanneberger, Director Greifswald Mire Centre

  • Bruno Pozzi, Deputy Director Ecosystems Division Director, UNEP 

  • Jochen Flasbarth, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany  

Panel 2: Towards a green and just economic transition in Brazil


  • Patricia Ellen, Head of Brazil, Systmiq


  • Moisés Savián, Secretary for Land Governance, Territorial and Socio-Environmental Development at the Ministry of Agrarian Development


  • Cristiane Fontes, CEO WRI Brazil


  • Mauro O' de Almeida, Secretary of the Environment of Pará

  • Marcelo Britto, Executive Secretary of the Consortium of Governors of the Legal Amazon

  • Maria Netto, Executive Director of the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)

Closing remarks: the Road to COP30

  • H.E. Marina Silva, Minister of the Environment and Climate, Government of Brazil