Land Accelerator xPERÚ Impact Days
Timezones: June 22 and 29, 2021 10:00-11:30 AM EDT | 9:00-10:30 AM PET
In Peru, entrepreneurs are looking to capitalize on this opportunity, developing innovative ways to build sustainable, prosperous futures for their communities. But they need investment to take their restoration businesses to the next level.
This is why World Resources Institute (WRI) started the Land Accelerator xPERÚ, which brings together entrepreneurs that rejuvenate land through agroforestry, reforestation, grassland restoration, and other profitable techniques. The program, which leans on the expertise of Asesorandes and 3erPlaneta and contributes to Initiative 20x20 and the Andean Forests Program, provides training and mentorship to equip entrepreneurs with the tools they need to attract investment, create more jobs, and restore more land.
Join us on June 22 and 29 for an inspiring and interactive two-day event to meet this group of 25 entrepreneurs and hear their business pitches, their vision for a greener Peru, and what they need to grow their impact.
The Impact Days will be held in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English.
The Land Accelerator
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA curated network and accelerator program for entrepreneurs who restore degraded forests and farmland
Part of Forest and Landscape RestorationInitiative 20x20
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA country-led effort to change the dynamics of land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Part of Forest and Landscape Restoration