How Carbon Taxes And Markets Can Scale Up Landscape Restoration: Policy Dialog
Timezones: 10am – 2pm CDMX | 11am – 3pm Washington DC/Cuiabá | 6pm – 10 pm EAT
Carbon taxes have become a widely adopted policy instrument to reduce greenhouse gases emissions. In Latin America, legislation supporting them is now present in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico. These new mechanisms could also provide incentives for farmers to restore their lands by directly investing tax revenue in this nature-based solution to climate change. At the same time, voluntary carbon markets are rapidly evolving, promising large investments in restoration and conservation projects throughout the region. Connecting public carbon taxes with private markets will be essential to maximizing the impact of ecosystem restoration in key areas identified by countries for their significance to communities and biodiversity.
This Policy Dialog is part of a series to enable a conversation on the most important topics around restoration policies connected to implementation. The dialogs are hosted in tandem with the 2021 Restoration Policy Accelerator program. The Accelerator brings together government leaders at the forefront of the field from six Latin American countries and experts from around the world to discuss the bottlenecks, successful case studies, and potential solutions for advancing restoration policymaking.
This event will be in Spanish with interpretation in English and Portuguese. A preliminary agenda can be found here.
The Landscape Policy Accelerator
Visit ProjectInspiring, innovating and streamlining policies to restore land for people and nature.
Part of Forest and Landscape Restoration