About The Webinar

Seventeen countries, home to a quarter of the world’s population, face extremely high water stress, according to recent analysis from the World Resources Institute. Billions of people face other growing water challenges as well, including highly polluted water, increasingly erratic rainfall leading to more severe droughts and floods, and lack of access to safe and affordable drinking water. These water challenges, already urgent before COVID-19, lead to increased insecurity, migration and a growing risk of violent conflict, especially in developing countries that lack the financial, technical and governance capacities to deal with these problems.

Intensifying water challenges and the threats they pose to human security are well documented, but there has been relatively little discussion of comprehensive sets of solutions. In this webinar, WRI, the Pacific Institute, and the Water, Peace & Security Partnership will launch their new report, which offers solutions to water challenges in key water-insecure hotspots around the world. Since water problems are unique, idiosyncratic and local in nature, each problem may require solutions that are uniquely suited to local circumstances. The solutions identified in this report can help improve water resources management, drought response, flood prevention and access to safe, reliable and affordable water for all.


  • Kitty van der Heijden, Director-General, International Cooperation, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Charles Iceland, Director, Global and National Water Initiatives, Water Program, WRI
  • Peter Gleick, Co-founder and President Emeritus of the Pacific Institute
  • Ayushi Trivedi, Gender and Social Equity Research Analyst, WRI
  • Chris Baker, Programme Head Water Resources, Wetlands International
  • Moderator: Susanne Schmeier, Senior Lecturer, Water Law and Diplomacy, IHE Delft