Presentation Slides

About the Webinar

Climate change affects food production in many regions, including lost crops and dwindling employment opportunities. These impacts will likely become more severe by 2030 and beyond, placing global food security and the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people at risk. Now is the time to scale up efforts to reshape the agriculture sector to support farmers, avoid the extensification of food production, improve the productivity of farms, build resilience, and reduce emissions.

In this webinar, experts from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, FAO and Oxfam shared their latest research on supporting low-carbon transformation in the agriculture sector through enhancing 2020 NDCs. Additionally, government representatives from Uruguay and Vietnam spoke to the need for more ambitious, explicit, and directed actions to foster productive farming practices that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are climate-resilient.

This webinar is part of a series on Sectoral Opportunities to Enhance NDCs.


  • James Morris and Catalina Etcheverry, Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat
  • Katie Ross, WRI
  • Laurel Pegorsch, Oxfam
  • Le Hoang Anh, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Vietnam
  • Walter Oyhantcabal, Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Uruguay
  • Martial Bernoux, FAO

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