Presentation Slides

About this Webinar

Flooding is among the most serious and dangerous of all global risks, causing loss of life and damage to property, livelihoods and economies. Climate change is expected to intensify flooding in the coming decades, while economic growth and urbanization place more people and property in flood-prone areas. Despite these dangers, flood risks are often underestimated and poorly managed due to lack of transparent, accurate data on current levels of flood protection, both in developing and developed countries.

In this webinar, flood experts introduced two updated tools that help fill in this critical information gap. Aqueduct Floods and The Geography of Future Water Challenges can be used by a wide audience to assess riverine and coastal flood risk, understand how these risks will change in the future and explore the opportunity for solutions that can mitigate future flood risk.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cannot be achieved without adequate solutions to water issues. Aqueduct Floods aims to empower disaster risk analysts with quantitative information on flood risks and adaptation strategy costs, including the ability to assess costs and benefits of adapting to current and future flood risk. Meanwhile, The Geography of Future Water Challenges highlights shared sustainable pathways that contribute to achieving the SDGs by analyzing costs and investments related to various pathways. The information provided by both tools can inform policy and investment decision-making, and create a more resilient world.


  • André Haspels, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United States, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Samantha Kuzma, Associate, Water Program, WRI
  • Willem Ligtvoet, Program Manager, Water, Climate & Adaptation, PBL
  • Philip Ward, Head of the Global Water and Climate Risk section of the the Department of Water and Climate Risk, Professor of Global Water Risk Dynamics, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Yohannes Kesete, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank


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