Webinar: Securing a Sustainable Water Future in an Ever-Drier World
Dive into World Resources Institute's research that culminated in the recent publication, Achieving Abundance. WRI Water experts will discuss what the findings reveal about the state of water security around the world and investigate what role investors can play.
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About the Webinar
A parched and burning Australia is just the latest evidence of the devastating impact of water scarcity. And it’s getting worse. New research from WRI shows that our use of this precious resource is on course to outstrip supply by an even larger amount than previously thought.
WRI calculates that it will cost $1 trillion a year to rectify not just water scarcity but access, sanitation, pollution and water management. That presents an excellent investment opportunity, which is why UBS Wealth Management, which oversees $2.6 trillion in assets, has identified water scarcity as one of its top themes for the coming decade.
- Antony Currie, Associate Editor, Reuters Breakingviews (moderator)
- Mina Guli, CEO, Thirst
- Andrew Lee, Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing, UBS Wealth Management
- Colin Strong, Corporate Water Stewardship, World Resources Institute
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