Presentation Slides

About the Webinar

Most of the rules that underpin the Paris Agreement on climate change were decided upon last year at the UN climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland. However, a critical area was left undecided and will be front-and-center at the COP25 Summit this December – “Article 6.”

The rules for this section of the Paris Agreement will determine how countries can use international carbon markets to achieve their emission reduction targets. If designed well these rules could help drive emission reductions at a lower cost while generating financing for climate action. But if the rules are manipulated so that two or more countries get credit for the same emission reductions, the environmental integrity of the Paris Agreement would be severely undercut.

Please join this webinar to hear from experts from World Resources Institute, Environmental Defense Fund and the government of South Africa about the basics of Article 6, why it is important, where the negotiations stand and what are the stickiest issues that delegates will grapple with at COP25.

The negotiations on Article 6 have been very technical thus far, making the topic impenetrable to outsiders. This webinar will offer an accessible overview for non-technical experts so that participants will have a strong understanding of the issue ahead of the negotiations this December.


  • Mandy Rambharos, Article 6 Negotiator, South Africa
  • Kelly Levin, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Kelley Kizzier, Associate Vice President for International Climate, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Yamide Dagnet, Senior Associate, International Climate Action, World Resources Institute

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