The Global Commission on Adaptation seeks to accelerate adaptation action and increase political support for building climate resilience.

In September 2019, the Commission launched its flagship report, Adapt Now: A Global Call for Leadership on Climate Resilience, which outlines a roadmap for scaling-up climate adaptation in the United States and abroad to safeguard communities and economies from the impacts of climate change. In particular, the report emphasizes the investment potential of adaptation. The report also kickstarts a Year of Action to accelerate adaptation around the world.

At this briefing, Commission experts will highlight key elements of the report and share how federal legislators can engage with the Year of Action for climate adaptation.

The Commission is chaired by Former U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, and International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, seeks to accelerate adaptation action by elevating its political visibility and focusing on concrete solutions.


  • Dr. Rosina Bierbaum, Advisor, Global Commission on Adaptation; Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability (Former Dean) and School of Public Health, University of Michigan; Roy Weston Chair of Natural Economics, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland
  • Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, World Resources Institute
  • Christina Chan, Co-Director, Global Commission on Adaptation; Director, Climate Resilience Practice, World Resources Institute
  • Leo Martinez-Diaz, Global Director, Sustainable Finance Center, World Resources Institute