Webinar: Climate Data for Action: Country Platforms for India and Indonesia
Please note: the date and time have been changed
Climate Watch is a robust online platform designed to empower policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders around the world with the climate data, visualizations and resources they need to gather insights on national and global progress on climate change.
This spring, World Resources Institute is expanding Climate Watch with two online data platforms for India and Indonesia. These country-level platforms are specifically tailored to help inform decision makers as they formulate national climate plans. The platforms include climate data and information at the national and sub-national level. The tools will also support transparency and bridge the gap between national and global data.
Please join our webinar on March 22 where WRI experts will offer insights on how policymakers in India and Indonesia can utilize these new tools to support national governments and relevant stakeholders in implementing climate policies and monitoring their impacts.
This discussion will be of particular interest to national and sub-national stakeholders in Indonesia and India working to implement the goals of the Paris Agreement.
(If you are not able to attend the webinar at the new date and time, please note that a recording will be posted shortly after the webinar takes place)
Learn more about Climate Watch
- Apurba Mitra, Policy Lead, Energy & Climate, WRI India
- Himayatus Shalihah, Research Assistant, WRI Indonesia
- Aleksandra Arcipowska, Manager, WRI United States
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