WRI Events at IUCN World Conservation Congress #IUCNCongress
WRI #IUCNCongress events will highlight efforts in forest monitoring to stop deforestation, empowering the world for healthy watersheds, and detecting and preventing illegal logging.
World Resources Institute will host a number of events at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Honolulu, Hawai’i. The events will provide forums to discuss WRI’s efforts in forest monitoring to stop deforestation (Global Forest Watch), empowering the world for healthy watersheds (Natural Infrastructure for Water), and detecting and preventing illegal logging (Forest Legality Alliance).
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WRI staff are participating in many activities during the #IUCNCongress - here are some of the top events.
CARPE - Conservation and Sustainable Development Accomplishments and Lessons Learned from 20 years of US Government Investment in Central Africa
When: Friday, September 2, 2016 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Where: United States Pavilion, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: The Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) is the largest US Government biodiversity investment worldwide and after 20 years of innovation has yielded impressive conservation and sustainable development results that are now being brought to scale. Accomplishments include: improved management of ~300,000 km2 of biologically significant natural resources; >8,000 individuals trained in NRM; strengthened effectiveness and accountability in government and community PA management with better trained and equipped rangers; improved application of the law and transparency; and improved community rights and equity in NRM through enhanced capacity and the development and implementation of land use plans. Lessons learned from CARPE are applicable to conservation and development worldwide. In this panel discussion, CARPE partners will present the accomplishments, challenges and lessons learned from CARPE followed by a moderated.
Speaker: Crystal Davis
Contact: Liz Cole
Forest management certification – Evaluating impacts
When: Friday, September 2, 2016 | 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: Room 311-10, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: Forest management certification is a market-based conservation initiative that aims to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economical viable forestry. Using the work of FSC as a starting point – which since 1993 has certified 1,300 operations in 80 countries – we will discuss the challenge of assuring consumers that certified products come from forests managed to meet the social, economic, and environmental needs of present and future generations.
Speaker: Crystal Davis
Contact: Liz Cole
WRI Reception (Invitation Only)
When: Friday, September 2 | 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Where: Royal Hawai’ian Hotel
Description: WRI will host an evening reception for funders, collaborators, and partners headed by President Andrew Steer.
Speaker: Andrew Steer
Contact: Emily Kaldjian
Bonn Challenge High-level Dialogue 1: Restoration leadership in action
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Where: Room 301B, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: This dialogue will showcase exceptional leadership in forest landscape restoration around the world. The session will begin with high-level keynote addresses, followed by a series of panel discussions with Bonn Challenge pledgers and other partners who will share their experiences of overcoming the challenges of building restoration efforts in their countries.
Speaker: Andrew Steer
Contact: Emily Kaldjian
Innovation and Investment for Water Security for People and Nature
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Where: Room 316C, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: Freshwater species are declining at an alarming rate and communities, businesses and economies are facing water scarcity and pollution. Investment in natural solutions for water security provides new incentives for freshwater conservation, and will be essential in action on SDG Goal 6 and the Paris Agreement. Participants will share lessons and draw conclusions on how to include investment in freshwater conservation strategies to accelerate and scale-up action on implementation.
Speakers: Andrew Steer, Todd Gartner
Contact: Todd Gartner
Turning Data into Conservation Action
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 2:30 – 4:30 PM
Where: Room 301B, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: This session is aimed at conservation practitioners interested in the growing use of open source technology to increase transparency and accountability around drivers of deforestation such as logging, mining, and agriculture as well as land use planning processes such as REDD+ or protected area management. It will provide an introduction to two tools – LoggingRoads.org and the Forest Watcher app – that can aid conservationists turning their data into action on the ground.
Speakers: Andrew Steer, Crystal Davis, Jane Goodall (JGI)
Contact: Liz Cole
Global Commons - Solutions for a Crowded Planet
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: Room 313A, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: This side event organized by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with IUCN and other partners, will serve as a forum to discuss on the upcoming International Conference called "Safeguarding the Global Commons on a Crowded Planet" which will be organized by the GEF in 2016. The side event will serve as an opportunity to socialize, refine, and discuss some key inputs to the conference. Refreshments will be provided.
Speaker: Andrew Steer
Contact: Emily Kaldjian
Achieving Economic Growth while Supporting Environmental Stewardship in Hawai‘i
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: Room 319B, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description:Communities across the world are looking for strategies to develop in ways that support the economy, conserve limited natural resources, and provide basic services to meet growing social needs. Hawai‘i is committed to a triple bottom line approach for genuine progress, and has been recognized nationally and internationally for its collaborative and integrated approach to complex global challenges with the Aloha+ Challenge, Hawai‘i’s statewide sustainability initiative.
Speakers: Chip Barber
Contact: Emily Kaldjian
Global Forest Watch Water: An Online Interactive Tool to Empower the World for Healthy Watersheds
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: Water Pavilion, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: Global Forest Watch Water is a new global mapping platform developed to empower stewards of watersheds – citizens, governments, utilities, and business – around the world to take action to improve watershed health. GFW Water brings capacity to visualize critical watershed information, means to compare risks to watershed health across the globe, and resources to help plan for natural infrastructure initiatives.
Speakers: Todd Gartner
Contact: Todd Gartner
A Geography of Hope: Saving the last Primary Forests
When: Saturday, September 3, 2016 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Where: Room 313C, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: This event, celebrating the launch of the book of the same title, will be hosted by Conservation International, CEMEX, Wild Foundation and Global Wildlife Conservation.
Speaker: Andrew Steer
Contact: Emily Kaldjian
Delivering biodiversity gain through greater transparency of maps
When: Sunday, September 4, 2016 | 2:30 – 4:30 PM
Where: Room 311-14, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: Advancements in satellite technology offer an unprecedented opportunity to improve how we monitor, manage and protect areas of biodiversity value. Yet the conservation community is severely limited by the availability of accurate maps for production areas of high biodiversity impact commodities. This event will discuss how the conservation community and IUCN can work with business and governments to improve biodiversity protection and monitoring.
Speaker: Crystal Davis
Contact: Liz Cole
Environmental Crime in Central Africa - Challenges and Opportunities
When: Sunday, September 4, 2016 | 2:30 – 4:30 PM
Where: COMIFAC Booth, Forests Pavilion, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: Forthcoming
Speaker: Chip Barber
Contact: Liz Cole
Empowering Nature’s Defenders: Law, Policy, Governance and Technology Solutions to Combating Wildlife and Timber Crime
When: Monday, September 5, 2016 | 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: Room 316B, Hawai’i Convention Center
Description: The illegal trade in endangered species of flora and fauna continues to accelerate despite increased public attention and calls for strengthened laws and more rigorous law enforcement. Political will to address wildlife and timber crime has strengthened in the past few years, but what will it take to translate this political momentum into progress on the ground? This workshop will address policy and legal dimensions, and review emerging technologies that can help solve the problem.
Speakers: Chip Barber, Lye Lin Heng (Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law), Ernesto Herrera Guerra (Reforestamos México), Steve Kohn (National Whistleblower Center)
Contact: Emily Kaldjian
Global Restoration Initiative
Visit ProjectWRI is partnering with governments, businesses, and communities around the world to restore millions of hectares of deforested and degraded land.
Part of ForestsGlobal Forest Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectOffering the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better manage and protect forest landscapes.
Part of ForestsForest Governance and Policy (FGP)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Forest Governance and Policy (FGP) team works to achieve better forest management and governance through preventing illegal logging and supporting legal sourcing.
Part of Forests