It was one of the rare occasions where farmer innovators, policy makers, researchers, and NGOs were in the same room to jointly discuss the potential contribution of agroforestry to adapting to climate change and fighting food insecurity in Burkina Faso. Based on the barriers faced by all actors to scaling up agroforestry practices on the ground, the participants also discussed the development of a national agroforestry strategy that would take account of experiences related to farmer managed natural regeneration.

Through testimonies, presentations and discussions, the 60+ participants of the workshop organized by MARP-Burkina had a chance to

  • Understand the potentials of agroforestry, more specifically farmer managed natural regeneration in adapting to climate change and fighting food insecurity in Burkina Faso ;

  • Identify and discuss the changes to the national legal framework governing forest resources that could help in managing trees outside forest, as in the case of farmer managed natural regeneration;

  • Discuss the constraints and challenges of promoting farmer managed natural regeneration in Burkina Faso ;

  • Discuss the development of a national agroforestry strategy that takes account of the experience gained with farmer managed natural regeneration.


  • Mr. Nassé OUEDRAOGO: Independent consultant

  • Mr. M. Mathieu OUEDRAOGO: President, Network for Participatory Approaches to Research and Planning (Réseau Méthodes Actives de Recherche et de Planification Participatives - Réseau MARP Burkina)

  • Tio Bouma: Director, Vegetative Production Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in Burkina Faso

  • Hon. Salifou OUEDRAOGO: Minister, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in Burkina Faso

  • Mr. Peter WRIGHT: Climate change and agroforestry specialist, CARE Niger

  • Dr. Edwige BOTONI: Natural resource management specialist, Comité Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel (CILSS)
    View Presentation

  • Dr. Fidel HIEN: Executive Manager, EXD. Consultant
    View Presentation

  • Mr. Adama DOULKOM: Director, Forestry Department, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in Burkina Faso (DFIFO / MEDD)
    View Presentation

  • Georges SAWADOGO: Journalist, Journalist Association « Média Vert »

  • Robert Winterbottom: Director, Ecosystem Services Initiative, World Resources Institute

  • Pr. Michel SEDOGO (Moderator): Professor and researcher, National Institute for the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA)

Final Report

Atelier National de plaidoyer sur la Régénération Naturelle Assistée (RNA)

Related Links

Video on Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

French with English subtitles:


