Regional and State Actions on Climate Change
For some time, U.S. states have been making demonstrable progress on developing their own climate change policies. (Map current as of December, 2009)
Regional Cap-and-Trade Agreements
Three mandatory regional carbon trading markets, the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord (MGGRA) and the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) are being established by state governors to limit emissions and spur energy innovation. Twenty-three U.S. states are participating, accounting for nearly half the nation’s population. RGGI began auctions in September 2008; WCI and MGGRA should be operational in 2012. Sources: RGGI, MGGRA, WCI
Energy Efficiency Resource Standards
Twenty states have minimum energy efficiency resource standards which encourage more efficient generation, transmission and use of electricity and natural gas. [Source: ACEEE]
Renewable Portfolio Standards
35 states employ renewable portfolio standards or renewable deployment goals, which mandate that utilities get a certain amount of their energy from renewable sources, leading to emissions reductions. [Source: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission]