Poverty Rate by Subcounty in Milk Deficit Areas, Uganda
A milk surplus and deficit map can be compared with maps showing poverty rates and poverty densities in order to plan more pro-poor dairy interventions. Such overlays can, for example, pinpoint locations with multiple deprivations (e.g., high levels of poverty and a shortfall of milk) or with greater potential to reach a higher number of poor in an investment area.
Focusing on milk deficit areas (with shortfalls greater than 500 liters of milk per square kilometer per year) and overlaying them with poverty rates shows the following patterns:
Mid- to high poverty rates and high milk deficits are more widespread in eastern Uganda such as in Pallisa, Kumi, Budaka, and Kaliro Districts. These areas also have comparably high poverty densities (40-60 poor persons per square kilometer).
Low poverty rates with high milk deficits are scattered across the central and southwestern parts of the country. Many of these areas appear to be in locations that are more remote and further from big cities.
This brief comparison suggests that investment in dairy development efforts in the highlighted eastern parishes could potentially achieve two objectives: help move households out of poverty and improve local milk supply with nutritional benefits for poor households.