Kenya GIS Data
You can carry out your own analyses on poverty and ecosystem services with the GIS data made available, some of them being publicly released for the first time. All data are accompanied by metadata.
- Population & poverty
- Agriculture
- Land cover & land form
- Base data
- Elevation
- Rainfall
- Biodiversity & wildlife
- Tourism
- Water, irrigation, & hydropower
- Other data
Population & poverty
- ke_gini_constituency Average inequality of per capita expenditures in Kenya (also known as the GINI Index) by Constituency in 1999.
- Population density, or the number of people per square kilometer, of Kenya in 1989.
- Population density, or the number of people per square kilometer, in Kenya in 1999.
- Poverty rate, poverty gap, poverty density and the percentage of poor housing at Location level in Kenya in 1999.
- Poverty rate, poverty gap, poverty density and amount of Kenyan Shillings (per month per square kilometer) to close the poverty gap for Constituencies in eastern Kenya in 1999.
- Minimum amount of Kenyan Shillings needed per square kilometer per month to close the poverty gap at Location level in Kenya in 1999.
- ke_agriculture Areas of cropland in Kenya.
- ke_crops_diversity Average number of crops grown in croplands of central and western Kenya in 1997.
- ke_crops_foodshare Food crops as a percentage of all cropland in central and western Kenya in 1997.
- ke_crops_intensity Percent of land under cultivation in Kenya.
- ke_crops_irrig Large-scale irrigation in Kenya.
- ke_crops_size Size of agricultural fields in Kenya.
- ke_livestock_1990 Livestock density in Kenya's rangelands from 1994 to 1996.
- ke_milk-production Milk production per square kilometer in central and western Kenya in 1997.
- ke_milk-surplus-deficit Milk surplus and deficit in central and western Kenya in 1997.
- ke_pineapple_plantations Pineapple plantations in Kenya.
- ke_tree-plantations Tree plantations in Kenya.
- ke_woodlots-in-cropland Percent woodlots in sampled cropland in central and western Kenya in 1997.
Land cover & land form
- ke_bareareas Bare areas (areas naturally devoid of vegetation) in Kenya.
- ke_coral_reefs Coral reefs on the eastern coast of Kenya.
- ke_floodplains Floodplains and valley bottoms in Kenya.
- ke_forests Forest types in Kenya.
- ke_mangroves Mangroves on the eastern coast of Kenya as polygons.
- ke_mangroves_undp-line Mangroves on the eastern coast of Kenya as lines.
- ke_modis Percent treecover in Kenya.
- ke_rangeland Areas of savanna and grassland in Kenya.
- ke_sand_beaches Sand beaches in Kenya.
- ke_urban Urban areas in Kenya.
- ke_wetlands Wetlands areas in Kenya.
Base data
- District administrative boundaries in Kenya.
- Permanent and non-permanent rivers in Kenya.
- Major airfields in Kenya.
- Major roads in Kenya.
- Major towns in Kenya.
- Protected areas in Kenya.
- Water bodies in Kenya.
- Kenya's digital elevation model at 250-meter resolution.
- Kenya's shaded relief surface at 90-meter resolution.
- Kenya's shaded relief surface at 250-meter resolution.
- Kenya's digital elevation model at 90-meter resolution.
- Average annual rainfall in Kenya.
- World's average monthly rainfall in February.
- World's average monthly rainfall in April.
- World's average monthly rainfall in July.
- World's average monthly rainfall in November.
Biodiversity & wildlife
- ke_dugong-dolphin-sites Dugong sites and dolphin schools on the eastern coast of Kenya.
- ke_eba Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs) in Kenya.
- ke_grevys_1970s Number of observed Grevy's zebra from 1977 to 1978 in Kenya.
- ke_grevys_1990s Number of observed Grevy's zebra from 1994 to 1996 in Kenya.
- ke_grevys_range Potential range of Grevy's zebra in Kenya.
- ke_iba-status Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and their status in Kenya in 2003-2004.
- ke_mammals Predicted mammal diversity, or the total number of mammal species, in Kenya.
- ke_numbers_buffalo Spatial distribution of buffalo numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.
- ke_numbers_elephant Spatial distribution of elephant numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.
- ke_numbers_giraffe Spatial distribution of giraffe numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.
- ke_numbers_wildebeest Spatial distribution of wildebeest numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.
- ke_numbers_wildebeest_kitengela Number of wildebeest observed in 1977-78 and 1994-96 in the Athi-Kapiti Plains, Kenya.
- ke_numbers_zebra Spatial distribution of zebra numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.
- ke_sable_antelope_sites Sable antelope sites on the eastern coast of Kenya.
- ke_turtle_breeding_site Turtle nesting and breeding sites on the eastern coast of Kenya.
- ke_wildlife_1970-90 Change in wildlife density in Kenya's rangelands between 1977-78 and 1994-96.
- ke_wildlife_1970 Wildlife density in Kenya's rangelands from 1977 to 1978.
- ke_wildlife_1990 Wildlife density in Kenya 's rangelands from 1994 to 1996.
- Capacity, or number of beds, for major tourist hotels on the eastern coast of Kenya.
- Tourist accommodations in Kenya.
Water, irrigation, & hydropower
- ke_hydropower-dams Large hydropower dams in Kenya.
- ke_micro-hydro Micro-hydropower sites in Kenya.
- ke_micro-hydro_proposed Proposed micro-hydropower sites in Kenya.
- ke_mombasa_dams Water supplies serving Mombasa, Kenya.
- ke_nairobi-dams Water supplies serving Nairobi, Kenya.
- ke_proposed-irrigation Large-scale irrigation schemes in Kenya.
- ke_small-scale_irrigation Existing small-scale irrigation and drainage points in Kenya.
- ke_water-balance Annual projected water balance by subdrainage area in Kenya for 2000 and 2010.
- ke_water_basins River basins and sub-basins (catchments and sub-catchments) in Kenya.
- ke_water-consumption_wildlife-livestock Average water consumption of livestock and wildlife by sub-basin in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.
Other data
- Distance to water points (boreholes, etc) in northern Kenya.
- Annual growth of biomass outside of croplands and the theoretically harvestable biomass yield outside of croplands in Kenya.
- Sources of wood for charcoal in selected administrative Districts of Kenya in 2004.
- Market centers in western Kenya.