Assessing The Post-2020 Clean Energy Landscape

This WRI analysis finds that renewable energy supplies are set to double collectively in eight major economies by 2030 spurred on by new national climate and energy plans. These renewable energy levels will be 18 percent higher in 2030 than previously projected growth rates.
Key Findings
- This analysis shows that renewable energy supplies are set to double in eight major emitters by 2030 after growth is hastened by new national climate and energy plans.
- These renewable energy levels are 18 percent higher than projected growth rates, WRI found.
- Assessing the Post-2020 Clean Energy Landscape looks at plans from eight of the 10 largest greenhouse gas emitters -- Brazil, China, European Union, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico and the United States -- and finds that their cumulative clean energy will jump from approximately 9,000 TWh in 2012 to 20,000 TWh in 2030. This increase is equivalent to all of India’s current energy demand.
- WRI also analyzed countries’ intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) submitted to the United Nations and found that countries of all sizes intend to transform their energy mix and increase investments in clean energy. Out of the 127 INDCs submitted by October 26, 2015, 80 percent of them referenced clean energy: 67 INDCs (53 percent) mention clean energy targets, and 35 INDCs (27 percent) put forward clean energy actions.
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