People, Nature and Climate
Operations and Finance
WRI ended 2023 in good financial and operational health. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we continue to increase our impact while stewarding our growth with sound financial management.
The trust of our supporters is one of our highest priorities. WRI consistently receives top ratings from charity evaluators for our strong financial stewardship and commitment to transparency and accountability. Our ratings include a top-rated four stars from Charity Navigator, a Platinum Seal of Approval from Guidestar and an A+ from Charity Watch.
Statement of Consolidated Activities ($000s)
(At September 30, 2023, with comparative totals for 2022)
Grants/Contributions | $341,191 | $189,025 |
Federal Grants | 13,298 | 9,140 |
Support from Endowment Income/Others | 11,394 | (7,561) |
Total Revenues and Other Support | 365,883 | 190,603 |
Program Activities | 213,442 | 180,380 |
General Administration | 19,160 | 15,433 |
Development | 2,583 | 1,897 |
Total Expenses | 235,185 | 197,710 |
Change in Operating Net Assets | 130,698 | (7,107) |
NONOPERATING ACTIVITIES | (5,143) | (2,301) |
Total Change in Net Assets | 125,555 | (9,408) |
Net Assets at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year | 362,876 | 372,384 |
Ending Net Assets | 488,531 | 362,976 |
Operating Revenue

Uses of Operating Funds