WRI Annual Report 2010

WRI’s focus can be summed up in a single word: results. We define these as significant actions by government agencies, corporations, policy-makers, or civil society taken as a result of our activities and influence.
Executive Summary
Our results are generated through a highly focused system of clear goals and three-to-five year strategic objectives. Many are achieved in collaboration with partner organizations around the world. We operate globally because today’s most challenging problems know no boundaries. In particular, we consider China, India, and Brazil of key importance.
The people who work at WRI not only have a deep understanding of the issues, but also an understanding of the political and cultural contexts that shape how decisions are made and how to engage effectively in the countries in which we work and partner.
WRI continues to meet the highest standards of accountability and use of donor funds from the Better Business Bureau and Charity Navigator. The trust of our supporters is of great concern to WRI. We receive donations from individuals, governments, foundations, and corporations, and have stringent financial controls in place to ensure compliance with donors’ wishes. We are efficient, and in 2010 over 84 percent of our revenue supported program activities. To maintain our credibility and effectiveness, our income and expenditures are reviewed by professional auditors.