Sustainable Development Goal 9

Greater investment in sustainable infrastructure is essential. Yet financing it is a challenge everywhere, especially in developing countries.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

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WRI research shows that that about $90 trillion in infrastructure funding will be needed by 2030 to achieve the goals of SDG 9. Ensuing this infrastructure is environmentally sustainable does not need to cost more and may even save money. The investment choices made by low- and middle-income countries in the next few years as they build cities, industries, and energy and transport systems could lead to a clean, climate-smart growth pathway or they could lock the world into a high-carbon, inefficient and unsustainable future.

To avoid the consequences of business-as-usual, WRI’s Finance CenterEnergy Program, the New Climate Economy project and other programs work with governments and corporate leaders to guide investment choices in manufacturing, innovation, energy, urban environments and more. We share in-depth analyses, robust and timely data, and recommendations to move decision-makers toward resilient, low-carbon choices (SDG 9.1, SDG 9.2, SDG 9.4).