Sustainable Development Goal 17

Global problems demand global solutions. Only by working together can the nations of the world build solutions for a sustainable future. P4G — Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030, a WRI-led initiative, with an associated biannual summit and “State-of-the-Art Report,” aims to catalyze transformative multi-stakeholder partnerships across the public and private sectors to achieve the SDGs.

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

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WRI is widely recognized for our leading role in strengthening global partnerships for sustainable development. We bring together governments, development partners, academics, think tanks, civil society and business to build collective ambition and accelerate progress (SDG 17.2, SDG 17.3, SDG 17.6, SDG 17.7, SDG 17.9, SDG 17.15, SDG 17.16).

Partnerships that WRI has helped to catalyze and manage include the NDC PartnershipChampions 12.3, the Global Commission on Economy and Climatethe Global Commission on Adaptation and many others.

To promote sustainable investments, WRI’s Finance Center provides recommendations to mobilize and leverage public and private funding for sustainable projects (SDG 17.1, SDG 17.5). Additional WRI teams help countries reconcile their economic, social and environmental priorities (SDG 17.14). Our Resource Watch data platform monitors the planet’s pulse, providing hundreds of global datasets to support informed decision making (SDG 17.17).