Sustainable Development Goal 1

Although the number of people living in extreme poverty declined in recent decades, progress has begun to slow. In 2015, 10% of the world’s citizens still suffered deep, entrenched deprivation. Projections indicate that 6% will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030 — double the SDG target.

Natural disasters resulting from a changing climate jeopardize the world’s hard-won progress against poverty. So does violent conflict, which is often intensified by competition over natural resources.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

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The New Climate Economy project, for which WRI serves as the managing partner, has been identifying pathways to deliver strong, inclusive growth and poverty reduction in ways that also achieve climate goals since 2014. WRI has adopted this people-centered approach in our climate work with key countries, sub-national governments and sectors. Our work helps drive transitions to low-carbon, sustainable and poverty-reducing development that will ensure access to essential resources for everyone (SDG 1.4). We work to create decent job opportunities for all (SDG 1.1, SDG 1.2) and empower women and other groups traditionally marginalized in decision-making (SDG 1.B).

WRI is also responding with timely analysis and tools that help governments and other stakeholders strengthen the climate resilience of vulnerable populations (SDG 1.1, SDG 1.2, SDG 1.5). The Global Commission on Adaptation, which WRI manages together with the Global Center on Adaptation, seeks to increase political support for building climate resilience, recognizing that climate impacts are here, they are getting worse and they are hitting the poorest and most vulnerable people the hardest.