Reading Resources on Using Public Climate Finance to Leverage Private Capital

This document provides an array of relevant papers, publications, and resources that address: 1) Using Public Resources to Leverage Private Sector Participation; 2) Types of Public Financing Instruments and Mechanisms; and 3) Other Contextual Publications. These reading resources represent the current span of literature in climate finance as it relates to the private sector and can be reviewed to enhance one’s understanding of the nuanced opportunities and challenges presented by climate finance. This document will periodically be updated as organizations continue to publish in this space.
Executive Summary
This document is drawn from Appendix II of WRI’s working paper, Moving the Fulcrum: A Primer on Public Climate Financing Instruments Used to Leverage Private Capital. This working paper demonstrates how the public sector can employ different types of public financing instruments — whether loans, equity, or de-risking instruments — alongside policy and technical support to scale-up private sector investment in low-carbon markets.
Moving the Fulcrum is part of WRI's Climate Finance series, which tackles a broad range of issues relevant to public donors, intermediaries, and recipients of climate finance. A subset of this series, including this primer, examines how public climate finance providers—whether governments, development finance institutions, or international finance mechanisms like the proposed Green Climate Fund--can meet the significant investment needs of developing countries by mobilizing private sector investment. It focuses on how the public sector can finance and mobilize investment into private sector projects, but also acknowledges the importance of overarching support for complementary low-carbon policies. Low-carbon sectors specifically considered include renewable energy, energy efficiency, and related infrastructure and services, though lessons may equally apply to other climate change-relevant sectors like sustainable agriculture, transportation, and water infrastructure.
This document was originally published in August 2012, and updated in June 2013 to include new resources.