Smriti Singh
Research and Engagement Specialist, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Smriti works as a Research and Engagement Specialist within the Ross Center's Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) team. Her role entails leading research, managing knowledge products, and contributing to the implementation of the Ross Center's knowledge, learning strategy and engagement.
Prior to this, Smriti worked as a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Coordinator at SEWA Bharat in India, where she worked on a range of initiatives aimed at enhancing the access of informal women workers to basic infrastructure services, climate resilience and adaptation, along with their land and housing rights. Here, she also led capacity-building workshops within grassroots communities, liaised with financial institutions regarding housing finance products for informal settlements and collaborated with government officials to support the implementation of land and housing policies. She also worked with various other research and policy think tanks, where she led research in areas such as climate resilience and risk vulnerability analysis, affordable housing, waste management, and housing and land policy analysis. Furthermore, she is part of the "Mai Bhi Dilli" (I am Delhi too) Campaign in Delhi, a city-wide initiative aimed at enhancing the inclusivity and representation of marginalized communities in the urban planning process.
Smriti recently completed her master's degree in City and Regional Planning (MCRP) with a specialization in environmental planning and international development from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. Prior to that, she was an Urban Fellow at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements and holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Uttarakhand Technical University in India.
Smriti lives in Washington D.C. and loves jazz music, hiking, cooking, and exploring bookstores.