Maeve Weston is a Research and Engagement Manager at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. In this role, she works on moving research into action by collaborating with internal and external partners. She also manages engagements for the Resilient, Equitable, Housing, Opportunities and Urban Services (REHOUSE) partnership.

Prior to this role, Maeve worked on disaster mitigation for the State of Ohio’s Emergency Management Agency, where she helped with the five-year update of the state’s Disaster Mitigation Plan. Previously, she worked on energy and climate policy at Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL). At SEforALL, Maeve managed the development and production of the Energizing Finance report series, the SEforALL Heat Maps, and other reports. She assisted in stakeholder outreach and engagement for the People-Centered Accelerator, a voluntary partnership of stakeholders interested in advancing gender equality, social inclusion, and women’s empowerment in the sustainable energy sector.

Maeve holds a Master’s in City & Regional Planning, and a Master’s in Environment & Natural Resources from the Ohio State University, and a Bachelor’s in Economics from Dickinson College. Maeve is based in Seattle, Washington, where she enjoys running, cooking and practicing yoga with her husband, Eric.