Finance & Accounting Officer, WRI Indonesia
Lourensia is a Finance and Accounting Officer in WRI Indonesia. In her daily function, she assists the finance and accounting manager in managing various financial transactions and their records to be carried out effectively and transparently.
Prior to joining WRI, Louren worked for private sector companies, non-governmental organizations, and bilaterals project between government and international organizations. Related to her experience in international organizations, she worked for JICA project in Climate Change area for almost four years. The project is the bilateral cooperation between Indonesian and Japanese government to implement Joint Crediting Mechanism scheme, which encourages the private sector from both countries to be involved in low carbon development activities.
Louren holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia (IBII), Jakarta. She is a generalist and keen to learn new knowledge and perspective. In her free time, Louren enjoys eating food while having good conversation with friends and families. She also loves to listen to various type of music. She also has big interest in culture, technology and art.