Irina Didenko
Grants and Finance Specialist II, Cities4Forests

Irina Didenko is a Grants and Finance Specialist II with the Cities4Forests initiative. She is responsible for the financial and operational management of the team’s growing portfolio of grants, contracts, and sub awards. This includes developing and managing project budgets, monitoring progress and forecasts, issuing sub awards, preparing financial reports, and ensuring compliance with funder requirements. She works closely with project leads and operations staff in the US and across WRI’s international offices, as well as with external partners to support research and implementation of nature-based solutions projects.
Prior to joining WRI, Irina was at the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business providing staff with administrative support to advance research and career opportunities in sustainability for students. As part of her summer internships, she was involved in consulting projects helping non-profits in the urban farming and climate resiliency fields.
Irina holds a B.A. in Economics with minors in Business and Web Programming from New York University.
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