Igerha Bampa
Technical Assistant for Open Timber Portal, WRI Africa

Igerha Bampa is the technical assistant for the Open Timber Portal (OTP) in the Central Africa team, where she provides support for the development of the platform in order to contribute to improving transparency in the forest sector.
Prior to joining WRI, Igerha previously worked for the “Centre Congolais de la Culture et de Formation (CECFOR)”, Resource Extraction Monitoring (REM), the “Observatoire de la Gouvernance Forestière (OGF)” and the “Groupe de Travail Climat REDD+ Rénové (GTCRR)”, where she was respectively in charge of accompanying farmers' organizations, forest monitoring and; in charge of supporting environmental civil society organizations in the implementation of programs and projects on climate change and defend the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples with a focus on gender mainstreaming.
Igerha Bampa is a graduate agronomist with a degree in Management of natural resources from the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) and a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences in Developing countries from the University of Liège in Belgium (Ulg).
She lives in Kinshasa where she devotes her free time to her family and with young guides and scouts, with whom she enjoys life in the great outdoors.
Open Timber Portal
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Open Timber Portal (OTP) promotes compliance with legal requirements in timber harvest and trade by compiling information from governments, private sector and third-party forest monitors in producer countries.
Part of Forest Legality