Eduardo Hinojosa Robles
Water and Green Infrastructure Coordinator, WRI Mexico
Eduardo Hinojosa is Coordinator of Water and Green Infrastructure for the Citie´s program at WRI Mexico. He works in the strengthening and advancement of the implementation of natural and green infrastructure in cities. This, through the analysis and support in the development of technological approaches and public policies for sustainable water management.
He has worked in ecological conservation for the public sector (Coordinator of research and management, CONANP); researching natural resources management in the urban setting (During his thesis at Royal Haskoning DHV and as a Researcher in Beijing for the ICyT); in consultancy projects in topics like climate change, sustainable mobility and agriculture (CEGAM - México, WUR – Czech Republic and Grontmij – The Netherlands, respectably); and in an aquaponic farm as assistant manager (Urban Farmers, Switzerland).
Additionally, he has experience in landscape and urban planning and design (Recovery of the Alameda Central in CDMX – UAM; Nogales´ downtown revitalization – IMIP; and leading the Estudio ARH, with architecture and sustainable urbanism projects). After 5 years as Coordinator of Sustainable Development in the Municipal Urban Planning Institute of Hermosillo, in 2020 he joins WRI Mexico.
Eduardo holds a bachelor in Ecology (UES, Hermosillo) and a specialization in Landscape Architecture by the UAM; Azcapotzalco.
He studied a Master of Science at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) in Urban Environmental Management, with a mayor in Environmental Technologies and a minor in Lands Use Planning.