David is the Green Finance Coordinator for the Cities program at WRI Mexico, advocating the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) for water management. His work is to determine financial viability for hydraulic projects and find new ways to justify the investment in green infrastructure over traditional infrastructure. It is essential to find and push the projects that benefit the environment and the water users and protect natural resources.

His professional experience revolves around credit risk analysis in the Fintech industry, using technology and data analysis to improve the decisions to give credits. Additionally, he worked closely with marginalized rural communities as a co-founder of a project that aims to provide solar energy to houses that lack access to the electric grid. Unfortunately, these people must rely on more expensive alternatives that might also damage their health.

David has a bachelor’s in physics engineering from the Universidad Iberoamericana. He is finishing his thesis for an International Masters degree in Rural Development and agricultural economics that he undertook at the University of Gent in Belgium and Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.

He is a scientist by formation, financier by experience, and humanist by heart.