PRESS STATEMENT: Bonn Climate Talks Wrap Up: More Progress Needed
As climate negotiations wrapped up in Bonn, Germany, following is a statement from Jennifer Morgan, Director, Climate and Energy, the World Resources Institute:
“After a difficult start for the Bonn climate negotiations, countries finally began discussing how to implement the Cancun Agreements decided last December. However, not enough progress was made, and it will be difficult, if talks proceed at this pace, to decide the Cancun rule book by Durban. Still hanging in the air are questions about the future of the Kyoto Protocol and whether the Cancun rules will be plugged into a legally binding agreement. Durban will be the key moment when the future of the Kyoto Protocol, the detailed rules of the Cancun Agreements, and the legal character of future climate agreements should be resolved.
“To resolve these core decisions, more substantive progress and more political will is needed that we witnessed these past two weeks. The warning signs of a changing climate are all around us – and the international community needs to come together to address this looming challenge.”