ADVISORY: Press Call on Habitat III
NEW YORK / WASHINGTON--We invite you to join a press briefing call for the upcoming Habitat III convening. The United Nations hosts an intergovernmental conference for member states and stakeholders every twenty years and this third convening of Habitat on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development will take place in Quito, Ecuador from October 17th-20th with over 45,000 delegates in attendance.
The New School Global Urban Futures assembled a report on the commitments made at the 1996 Habitat II in Istanbul, Turkey and assessed how the challenges have evolved since then. Habitat III will be an important convening as to the continued progress on the SDGs and the efforts to address climate change.
Join our expert participants to learn and discuss:
- What will Habitat III mean for transportation, housing, and development in your community? What can we expect from this conference that occurs every twenty years? Since the initial convening in 1976, urban dwellers have gone from one-third of the global population to more than half.
- What does a New Urban Agenda mean for cities around the world?
- How will city leaders, governments, civil society, corporations, and philanthropy put it into action the major commitments of the outcome document to: Leave No One Behind, Urban Equity, and Poverty Eradication.
This on-the-record call will be held on Thursday, October 13th at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST with the following participants:
- Don Chen, Ford Foundation Director of Equitable Development
- Ani Dasgupta, Global Director, World Resources Institute Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
- Ian Klaus, Senior Adviser for Global Cities at the U.S. Department of State
- Ana Moreno, Habitat III Secretariat Coordinator
There will be time for a Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask critical questions to each esteemed participant.