A New, One-Stop Shop for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data
Wading through the vast sea of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data can be a real challenge. To help simplify the process and make such data more accessible, today the World Resources Institute is launching the Climate Analysis Indicators Tool, or CAIT 2.0.
The free, online portal provides data on GHG emissions from 186 countries and all 50 U.S. states, as well as other climate data. CAIT 2.0 allows users to view, sort, visualize, and download data sets for comparative analysis. By providing comprehensive emissions data in an easy-to-use tool, users from government, business, academia, the media, and civil society can more effectively explore, understand, and communicate climate change issues.
Check out a screencast of how CAIT 2.0 works.
Building on a Strong Foundation
WRI maintained the original Climate Analysis Indicators Tool from December 2003 through May 2012. CAIT received an average of more than 5,000 visits per month, and was frequently referenced in news articles, policy briefs, and government documents. To provide just some examples, CAIT was regularly used to inform policy discussions within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other forums. It was also cited in the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, and used in online tools and campaigns such as NPR's “Climate Change Trends: Carbon Emissions Giants” and the U.S. Climate Action Network’s “Who’s On Board with the Copenhagen Accord?”
What’s New with CAIT 2.0?
CAIT 2.0 seeks to build on the strengths of its predecessor in providing a reliable online data platform. The platform draws on key climate data from respected research centers, government agencies, and international bodies, providing a complete, six-gas inventory for almost all countries and U.S. states. We choose data sets based on criteria such as completeness and relative accuracy, and we produce country data sets by applying a consistent methodology.
CAIT 2.0 also adopts technological advances to make for a more efficient user experience. For example, with just an Internet connection and a few clicks of a mouse (or a few swipes of an iPad), a CAIT 2.0 user can quickly pull up the international GHG emissions data set, narrow it down (by year, gas, country, etc.) for comparative analysis, and create simple data visualizations that can be downloaded or embedded. In addition, each specific data view has a unique URL, so users can share links to findings with colleagues, or save and return to a particular data view later. Users can also easily download the raw data for more detailed analysis and advanced visualizations.
Give Us Your Feedback!
CAIT 2.0 is still in its Beta form. In addition to the core emissions data, we’ll soon offer additional data sets and enhanced site functionality.
In the meantime, we’re actively seeking feedback from users, getting input on what they like and don’t like, and taking suggestions for improvements. Please try out CAIT 2.0 at wri.org/project/cait and send us your feedback via the online form, which will help inform site development in the months ahead.