Greenhouse trap

Traces history of greenhouse effect. Possible future consequences, based on scientific rearch, are vividly described and assessed. Government policies for slowing global warming are outlined along with suggestions for individuals.
Executive Summary
Scientists now agree that we are polluting our atmosphere at such a rate that, without immediate action, Earth's surface temperatures could rise anywhere from 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit within the next 40 years, making the planet warmer than at any time in the last 2 million years. What are the implications for agriculture, human health, natural ecosystems, and the quality of life on Earth?
Written for general audiences, The Greenhouse Trap traces the history of the greenhouse effect and shows how the current crisis has come about. Possible future consequences, based on the most credible scientific research available, are vividly described and objectively assessed. Government policies for slowing global warming are outlined along with suggestions for individuals to follow in their homes and communities. No other book in print combines straightforward analysis of the scientific and policy aspects of this pressing problem with a practical guide to consumer and citizen action.