There is growing emphasis on local-level solutions for global challenges like climate change and energy access. Kenya's shift toward decentralized governance, as formalized by the 2010 Constitution, is in tandem with these global trends. The 2010 Constitution and the Energy Act 2019 grants Kenya’s 47 county governments autonomy over a range of sectoral functions, including energy planning. In Kenya, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and partners have supported a few sub-national governments (counties) in developing energy plans according to local requirements to accelerate energy access for equitable and inclusive development.

Makueni is one of the counties where WRI and Strathmore University used geospatial technologies and tools like KoBo Collect to gather and analyze primary data; WRI’s Energy Access Explorer (EAE) to identify high-priority areas for energy interventions; the Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET) to estimate the technology and investment costs required to meet electrification targets; and the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) for clean cooking planning. Not only did Makueni County develop an integrated and inclusive energy plan, but also an investment prospectus that focuses on agricultural value chains and livelihoods to help unlock financing for one of the plans. With support from UKPACT, WRI, and Strathmore University, the county is on the verge of developing an energy policy, aimed at addressing policy and regulatory interventions to drive private sector participation in financing these opportunities while guiding implementation of the energy plan. None of this would have been possible without the pivotal political leadership demonstrated by the Governor of Makueni County.

This webinar aims to provide an overview of the subnational energy planning process, highlighting key considerations—such as the role of data—and best practices demonstrated in Makueni County. Participants will discuss strategies for scaling up the Makueni model across Kenya and the Sub-Saharan Africa region, with a focus on the role of political leadership and collaborative efforts in advancing energy planning, access, and investments at the subnational level.


Moderator: Benson Ireri, Africa Lead, Energy Access, WRI

Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Rebekah Shirley, Regional Deputy Director, Africa, WRI
  • Prof. Izael Da Silva, DVC, Research and Innovation, Strathmore University

Sub-national Energy Planning in Kenya – Approach and Lessons

  • Sarah Odera, Research Fellow, Strathmore Energy Research Center (SERC)
  • Victor Otieno, Research Associate, Energy Access, WRI Africa


  • H.E. Hon. Mutula Kilonzo Junior, CBS, Governor, Makueni County
  • Ms. Sarah Makena, Senior Green Finance Specialist, FSD Kenya
  • Mr. Murefu Barasa, Managing Partner, EED Advisory Ltd & Chair of Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA)
  • Representative from the Kenya Council of Governors

Closing Remarks

  • Dr. Robina Abuya, Climate Change Portfolio Manager, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), UK Government, Kenya
  • Dr. Meron Tesfamichael, Director, Africa Energy; WRIEnergy Planning