How Communities and Cities Can Inventory GHG Emissions and Removals from Forests and Trees
Despite international enthusiasm for nature-based climate solutions, many local greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories have not included forests and trees due to lack of guidance and complexity around incorporating them. Yet actions taken by local communities will be key to meeting the ambitious climate action targets set by communities, national governments and international agreements. As communities ramp up forest- and tree-based mitigation, they will need to measure how their forests and trees have already contributed to their carbon balance sheet.
This webinar, organized by World Resources Institute (WRI), C40 Cities, and ICLEI presents a new globally standardized, flexible methodology to estimate GHG greenhouse gas emissions and carbon removals (sequestration) by forests and trees for cities and communities worldwide, building on the updated Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC). Speakers will outline the methods covered in the new guidance: “Supplemental Guidance for Forests and Trees”. They will also showcase how cities and communities report their results and how to include them in their emissions reduction targets. They will also discuss how communities have already inventoried GHG emissions and removals by forests and trees for more holistic climate action planning by outlining how some communities have already used these methods. This will be followed by a panel discussion featuring diverse perspectives and experiences from cities that have user tested the guidance, city climate action planners, and institutional partners, and a live audience Q&A session.
- John-Rob Pool, Implementation Manager, Cities4Forests, WRI (Moderator)
- Pankaj Bhatia, Acting Director, Climate, WRI and Global Director, GHG Protocol
- David Gibbs, GIS Research Associate, Global Forest Watch, WRI
- Nancy Harris, Research Director, Land & Carbon Lab, Forests Program, WRI
- Laura Ballesteros, Secretary of Sustainable Urban Development, Monterrey
- Daniela Guarieiro, Senior Consultant, CEO of Takoa Consultancy & former Resilience Manager, Salvador
- Douglas Weisburger, Senior Planning Specialist, Sustainability Programs, Department of Environmental Protection, Montgomery County Government
- Maryke van Staden, Director of the Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting (carbonn Center), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA global alliance of cities acting to conserve, restore and sustainably manage forests and nature to support human well-being.
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