This session at the Eleventh World Urban Forum (WUF11), in Katowice, Poland, explored how national, state and city governments can collaborate to make cities around the world more equitable and sustainable. It drew on research by WRI and partners in the World Resources Report, Towards a More Equal City, and the Coalition for Urban Transitions' Seizing the Urban Opportunity. The session also served as the official announcement of finalists for the 2021-2022 Prize for Cities, showcasing projects that are adapting to uncertainty and disruption in equitable and sustainable ways.

Time: June 29, 16:30-18:00 UTC+2

Location: Multifunction Hall, Room NE 101 + Online

Organizers: WRI, C40, ICLEI, SDI


  • Sarah Colenbrander, Director, Climate and Sustainability Programme, ODI
  • Tadashi Matsumoto, Head of Unit, Sustainable Development and Global Relations, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Rose Molokoane, Vice President, Slum Dwellers International and National Coordinator, South African Federation of the Urban and Rural Poor (FEDUP)
  • Ole Stubdrup, City Diplomacy & Urban Development, Urban and Municipal Development Fund, African Development Bank
  • Carolina Urrutia, Secretary for the Environment, City of Bogotá, Colombia
  • Rogier van den Berg, Acting Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities