There is no shortage of commitments from an array of actors to improve food and agriculture aims. A critical ingredient to successful interventions requires representation and engagement up and down the value chains: inclusive of farmers and local communities, governments, financiers, and business. Cross-sectoral collaboration and joint action is urgently needed to deliver solutions and deliver on a 1.5 aligned pathway. This session will explore how collaboration and partnership can unlock sustainable food and land use systems, whilst also facilitating a just rural transition.

This opening session will give an overview of what ‘transformation of value chains’ looks like drawing from real-world cases and will provide discussion around what the role is for each actor in the value chain to help achieve a sustainable transition of the food and land use system.


  • Katie McCoshan, Policy and International Engagement Manager, Food and Land Use Coalition (Moderator)
  • Naoko Ishii, Executive Vice President and Professor at University of Tokyo, Director for Center for Global Commons
  • Tomislav Ivančić, Global Advisor on Agricultural Supply Chains and Responsible Business Conduct, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Sébastien Soleille, Global Head of Energy Transition and Environment, BNP Paribas
  • Izabella Teixeira, Former Minister for the Environment, Government of Brazil
  • Paul Zakariya, Secretary General and Head of Secretariat, Zimbabwe Farmer’s Union