National Systems for Adaptation MEL: A Country Dialogue
The global adaptation community is focused on establishing methods for tracking progress on adaptation through mechanisms such as the Glasgow-Sharma-el-Sheikh work program on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). However, few countries have fully operationalized national-level monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) adaptation frameworks. Recent research from WRI analyzing the adaptation components of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) finds that less than a quarter of countries refer to adaptation MEL approaches in their updated NDCs.
Given this gap, dedicated resources and tools for developing adaptation MEL systems are in high demand. Developing countries have commonly asserted their need for support, technical assistance and financial resources for developing robust MEL frameworks needed to validate, learn from and enhance existing adaptation actions and plans.
In this 90-minute session, the Adaptation Action Coalition (AAC) secretariat will facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue focusing on national systems for adaptation MEL and highlight:
Perspective of countries in terms of progress, challenges and opportunities in tracking and evaluating adaptation
Insights from intermediary organizations with experience in supporting countries to build MEL systems
Outstanding gaps and challenges in developing and implementing such systems
Discussion on potential avenues of action to drive progress on adaptation MEL globally.
Rebecca Carter, Head of AAC Secretariat; Acting Director, Climate Resilience Practice, World Resources Institute
Mario Jiménez, National Directorate for Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Uruguay
Rohini Kohli, Lead Technical Specialist for National Adaptation Plans, United Nations Development Program
Emilie Beauchamp, Lead, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Adaptation to Climate Change, NAP Global Network
Ryan O'Connor, Research Analyst, World Resources Institute
The Adaptation Action Coalition is a state-led coalition of 40 countries accelerating global action on adaptation to achieve a climate-resilient world. Learn more:
Adaptation Action Coalition
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