During Open Gov Week, the Community of Practice on Water and Open Government (WIN, SIWI, WRI, and AVINA FOUNDATION) and the Open Government Partnership (OGP), will convene leaders from international organizations, governments, and civil society to participate in the launch of a Water and Open Government Declaration.

The Water and Open Government Declaration has been designed to support countries in defining open government commitments for achieving their Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on water and sanitation by 2030. The Declaration represents an international call for ambitious action in WASH decision-making, during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering an opportunity to increase collaboration and define global priorities on tracking improvements in water access and sanitation worldwide.

The event will feature a presentation of the Declaration and a roundtable of the experts. The roundtable will cover:

  1. How to understand and close the silos between open government and the WASH community,
  2. Important developments on WASH and Open Government, galvanize different actors to engage with the Declaration on Open Government and Water
  3. Opportunities to use the Declaration and other key work in this space strategically to ensure reforms are made through the Open Government Partnership to achieve the SDGs.

This event will have live interpretation into Spanish.


  • Barbara Schreiner, Executive Director of Water Integrity Network (moderator)
  • Gloria Guerrero, Program Coordinator for Latin America, AVINA
  • Carole Excell, Director of Environmental Democracy Practice, WRI
  • Paul Maassens, Chief of Country Support, Open Government Partnership
  • Maria Julia Bocco, Water and Sanitation Lead Economist, Inter- American Development Bank
  • Mova Mohamad Al'Afghani, PhD, Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance
  • Alejandro Jiménez, Director for the Water and Sanitation Department, SIWI
  • Emma Mbalame, Deputy Director for Water Supply Services, Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development