International climate negotiators will soon gather for a virtual meeting from May 31 to June 17, 2021. While the talks will be virtual and informal, the three-week long session will be a key opportunity for negotiators to start to reach consensus on a range of issues that should be resolved by the COP26 UN climate summit this November.

Negotiation topics include but are not limited to:

  • Finalizing rules related to setting common timeframes for national climate commitments; strengthening transparency of actions, finance, technology transfer and capacity building; adopting robust carbon market rules and the first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement; and
  • Making progress on the solidarity and resilience agenda, including adaptation, loss and damage and mobilization of climate finance ($100 billion and a new finance goal by 2025).

Join World Resources Institute and the UNFCCC on May 26 at 9:30am ET for a well-rounded overview of these negotiation topics, how this virtual session will be organized and what efforts are being made to make it as fair and inclusive as possible despite the logistical challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Yamide Dagnet, Director, Climate Negotiations, World Resources Institute
  • Lorena Gonzalez, Senior Associate, UN Climate Finance, World Resources Institute
  • Nathan Cogswell, Research Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Mima Holt, Research Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, Chair, UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)
  • Florin Vladu, Manager, Collective Progress subdivision, UNFCCC Secretariat
  • Marianne Karlsen, Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)