U.S. cities and counties are important leaders when it comes to decarbonizing power at the local level. As more local governments become interested in driving decarbonization in their regions, engaging in energy issues at the wholesale electricity market level presents a new opportunity to expand their influence and impact.

Historically, local governments have not played an active role in conversations that affect wholesale markets due to limited staff, budget or expertise, but this is quickly changing. As large energy purchasers and public institutions, local governments have a stake in the structure and administration of these markets and could play a unique role in addressing barriers to clean energy.

This webinar will highlight findings from WRI’s forthcoming working paper Local Government Voices in Wholesale Market Issues: Engagement Approaches for Decarbonization, which explores the ways that cities and counties can engage in their own electricity markets. Guest speakers from the PJM Cities and Communities Coalition and Great Plains Institute will discuss what city engagement is already underway in the PJM and MISO territories.


  • Heidi Ratz, U.S. Electricity Markets Manager, World Resources Institute
  • Jared Policicchio, Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago
  • Matthew Prorok, Senior Policy Manager, Great Plains Institute