As the coronavirus spreads throughout the world, it is increasingly clear that people with the least access to essential services like water will feel the most dramatic effects. Water security and clean, reliable water supply is vital for industry, agriculture and energy production. Since every community and ecosystem on Earth depends on water for sanitation, hygiene and daily survival, we need to invest in resilient water systems.

Yet 3 billion people, 40% of the world’s population, lack access to basic hand-washing facilities in their homes. Nearly a billion people experience only partial access or regular shutoffs even when they do have piped water, making frequent hand-washing difficult or impossible.

Public health depends on secure water resources for all. This is true right now with the coronavirus pandemic, and it will be true with future public health and other crises. Join leading water experts for a discussion on how to build water resilience by expanding water access now to control COVID-19, creating more resilient communities by addressing the root problems of water insecurity, and investing in nature-based solutions like mangroves and forested watersheds.

Join WRI Water’s Global Director Betsy Otto and top water experts for this WRI webinar, which will include an opportunity for written questions from a global audience.