Market Designs for the Clean Energy Transition: Proposed Forward Clean Energy Markets
An increasing number of U.S. cities and states are enacting policies or goals to transition to 100% clean or renewable energy. The Forward Clean Energy Markets (FCEM) policy proposal aims to provide a framework for a clean energy market to meet such carbon reduction goals.
The proposed FCEM would create a competitive market for clean energy attribute credits – certificates for one megawatt-hour of clean energy supply to meet a state’s goal. The proposal provides an option that enables states to achieve their policy goals in alignment with wholesale market design.
This workshop will be a discussion around the proposed FCEM, and is one in a series of WRI workshops that examine market design issues and the clean energy transition. Participants will learn more about the proposed model and will have the opportunity to discuss its benefits and drawbacks, potential impacts, pathways for implementation, and relevancy to specific regions within the U.S.
Clean Energy Supply
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