CVF Virtual Summit Panel - Stepping Up Climate Ambition To Meet The 1.5°C Warming Limit
As part of the Climate Vulnerable Forum Virtual Summit, this panel will discuss how the pursuit of a development path consistent with 1.5°C degrees can spur economic growth.
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The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) has called for an increased global climate ambition, emphasizing that the pursuit of climate justice requires a swift and unified global action before the window of opportunity on achieving the 1.5°C goal closes.
As highlighted by climate scientists in the recently released Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Special Report on the 1.5°C Global Warming, there is no more time for delay and there is a need for stronger and faster action.
The report also showed that strong climate action is technologically feasible and economically desirable.
This panel session will delve into the necessity of the 1.5°C limit for vulnerable nations to survive and thrive. It will also discuss how the pursuit of a development path consistent with 1.5°C degrees can spur economic growth and will discuss some of the technical solutions on national and sub-national level that are being pursued in support of enhanced climate ambition.
Jennifer Morgan, Executive Director, Greenpeace International
@climatemorganMinister Carlos Rodriguez, Minister of the Environment, Costa Rica
Marcel Beukeboom, Climate Ambassador, the Netherlands
MBeukeboomMohammed Adjei Sowah, Mayor, Accra Ghana
Helen Mountford, Programme Director, The New Climate Economy
HMountford4Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob, Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Elise Buckle, Special Projects Director, Climate Action Network (CAN) International